Monday, October 6, 2014

Working on My Flexibility

Rakkaat ystävät,

I think it is pretty accurate to say that this week was a stretching week. When we promised the Lord that we were going to work on courage, He took us very seriously.

So here's how Courage Week went down. 

We had almost straight 0s in our numbers at the end of the week. We only have two investigators at the moment, the daughters of a woman in our ward, neither of whom are currently "progressing", and we were unable to meet with that family at all last week. So no "member present" lessons. We didn't get any referrals or new investigators. We taught a less-active woman, and two recent converts. But here's the thing. After it was all said and done, Sisar Ross and I managed to teach 17 lessons this week. So despite the fact that our numerical results were not so great, we still felt like we had done everything we could and everything the Lord expected of us. We went out of our way, really breaking down the walls of our comfort zone, to talk to more people than we normally would, especially young adults, which have been our area of biggest discomfort. And the Lord certainly threw that at us. Since we had promised we would do what He asked and because we had a focus of talking with young people, it seemed like that's all He gave us. And it was scary. But with His help, and a lot of prayers, we did it. And because we did it, we met some really cool people and some possibly very prepared potentials. 

We spent most of our time this week (since it obviously wasn't spent in appointments) trying to contact potential investigators from almost 10 years ago, and former investigators, and just contacting on the bus or street to find people to teach. It certainly was not the most fun thing to do, and definitely something I do not want to last for much longer. But we do what we must, and the fruits are so close I can feel it. 

One interesting thing this week happened at a bus stop, the gathering place of the most interesting collection of people. We were waiting for a bus out to an area to do contacting, when two intoxicated men came into the shelter at the stop. They started talking at us and we ended up splitting into two conversations, Sisar Ross talking with one man and me with the other. They both had asked about our name tags and asked questions about God and their relationship with Jesus. The man I was talking to asked if he could be forgiven, and I said yes, of course, Christ can forgive anyone. He said thank you, thank you, and then he hugged me! It was possibly the most awkward experience of my life, and it lasted way longer than would normally be comfortable (made even less pleasant by the scent of Finnish beer, which for some reason is incredibly potent). When he let go, I gave him a pamphlet about the Restoration, which he proceeded to stick down his pants. He asked about church services, and I gave him a card with our church address and phone number. He became very interested in the fact I'd given him the phone number and leaned in to touch my cheek and I was very very nervous that he was going to kiss me. Thankfully his intoxicated mind couldn't stay focused on anything for too long, and he suddenly had to go. Luckily for Sisar Ross, the man she was talking to was a lot less gone. He was actually a narcotic who had been buzzed earlier in the day, but was a bit more sane at the moment. He said he really wanted to quit but just couldn't. That is so sad. Unfortunately, he had to go before we thought to tell him about the Church's addiction recovery program. It is so interesting to to me how concerned drunk people seem to be about religious things. It's like they know that they are pushing themselves away from Heavenly Father and their spirit is protesting against the natural man. I wish there was more we could have done for them.

Well, It was a rough one, but a good one. We had such a good week of learning and loving and growing, and I know that's what Heavenly Father wanted for us. I'm at peace with that. As the people of Alma, I can cheerfully bear my afflictions and hard times with patience because I know that the Lord is on my side and will not leave me alone. (see Mosiah 24:12-16, here).

Well my lovely friends, I hope you all have a great week. Heavenly Father hears you prayers, and He will answer then in the way that will be the greatest blessing to you, even if it's not what you are expecting and wanting. 

Menkää eteenpäin, tule mitä tule (Go ahead, come what will).

Stay shiny!


Sisar Hillebrant
Finland in the fall. Time for cold weather attire.

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