Thursday, March 19, 2015

Hope and the Sun

Rakkaat ystävät,

It's been a really good week. The sun has been shining, and our spirits are high.

Friday we had a first lesson with a new investigator, an older man M, who we found a couple weeks ago. He investigated about 30 years ago in Turku. He asked us in the lesson how we'd found him, when it has been such a long time since he had been taught. We told him honestly that we'd had no idea and had just felt impressed to knock on his door. He told us that because of his current life situation (divorced, ill) he has been softened immensely and is now willing to hear us out. Prepared. Gold.

If you didn't know, there are hardly any public restrooms in Finland. Most stores don't even have one. So, on Sunday evening when we were out and about and I had to go to the bathroom (even though I'd just gone an hour before - some things never change), the options were either pee in the forest - which I was completely willing to do except that I had no tissues - or call a member. This time we opted for the latter, and she just laughed and invited us over. I used the bathroom, then they invited us to stay and share a message. So it worked out in both our favor.

Yesterday we did something I've never successfully done before. We met a Burmese woman on the street and asked if we could come home with her and share a message about Jesus Christ, and she said of course. She said she was interested to learn about all "Jeesus asioita" (Jesus things). We walked home with her and talked with her about Christ and the Book of Mormon, and how it helps us come closer to Christ. Her Finnish is very simple, and it was pretty hard for us to communicate (who knew it would ever be hard for me to simplify my Finnish), but I could tell that she felt the Spirit, and she liked what she heard. We called the office right away afterward and ordered everything they have in Burmese. We have another appointment with her on Thursday :)

We also stopped by T and had a quick lesson on her porch. Her pastor forbade her from reading the Book of Mormon, but she really wants to read it and says she will read it if God tells her she can. We encouraged her to keep praying and promised that God would help her know she could read it. She wants to keep learning, so we will keep teaching.

Something I've been thinking about a lot lately is hope. Hope in Jesus Christ is understanding that He fulfills His promises and expecting Him to do so. Hope is a Christ-like attribute. It is powered by faith and is active expectation. When we have hope, it drives all we do. It helps us move forward cheerfully, because we understand that bumps and debris in the road are only temporary discomforts and setbacks that ultimately will not hinder our progression if we continue onward. It is expecting the sun to come out even when the sky is cloudy.  Nephi said: "Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life." When we have hope, we do all that we can do and we know that the Savior will fill in the rest. He will give us strength beyond our own capacity to accomplish the things He would have us do - especially when we can't do it on our own.

Have faith, hope on, and stay shiny!


Sisar Hillebrant

The lakes are still frozen

Sisar Lafferty climbing the stairs from the lake.

Ski and sledge storage - we don't see that often in Richland.

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